Publications & Presentations: CCeHarvest 2019

The harvest of 2019 has been harvested!

“If January is bright and white, summer is sure to be hot.”

Publications by CCeH members 2019

  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, and Patrick Helling. “Surveys and analysis of advisory meetings as strategic signposts”. In Building Blocks for Research Data Management, 2:96-103, 2019.
  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, Patrick Helling, and Ulrike Wuttke. “As you like it? Perspectives on science-led organizational forms of data management for the humanities”. In DHd 2019. Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstracts, 74-77. Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, and Felix Rau. “Metadata in the age of Google Dataset Search”. In DHd 2019. Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstracts, 173-75. Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Dängeli, Peter. “The sustainability issue of digital editions – workshop report”. DHd-Blog (blog), September 2, 2019.
  • Dängeli, Peter, and Christian Forney. “Referencing annotations as a core concept of the hallerNet edition and research platform”, 2019.
  • Dängeli, Peter, Dieter Hagedorn, and Klaus Maresch. “cceh/papyri-wl-data: v23: 23rd version of July 25, 2019”. Zenodo, July 25, 2019.
  • Dängeli, Peter, Magnus Wieland, and Simon Zumsteg. “Digital edition of Hermann Burger’s local report”. In Textgenese in der digitalen Edition, edited by Anke Bosse and Walter Fanta, 265-80. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.
  • Graf, Jochen, Felix Rau, and Jonathan Blumtritt. “Optimizing Interoperability of Language Resources”, 2019., 10.5281/zenodo.3469430.
  • Helling, Patrick, Philip Schildkamp, and Brigitte Mathiak. “Sustainability of research data infrastructures using the example of digital editions – What is still to come in 2019?” Osnabrück, 2019.
  • Kiss, Börge, Daniel Kölligan, Francisco Mondaca, Claes Neuefeind, Uta Reinöhl, and Patrick Sahle. “It Takes a Village: Co-developing VedaWeb, a Digital Research Platform for Old Indo-Aryan Texts”. In TwinTalks at DHN 2019 – Understanding Collaboration in Digital Humanities, edited by Steven Krauwer and Darja Fišer, 2019.
  • Metzmacher, Katja, Patrick Helling, Jonathan Blumtritt, and Brigitte Mathiak. “Survey on research data in the humanities and human sciences at the University of Cologne”. In DHd 2019. Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstracts, 350-52. Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Mondaca, Francisco, Philip Schildkamp, and Felix Rau. “Introducing Kosh, a Framework for Creating and Maintaining APIs for Lexical Data”. In Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 Conference, Sintra, Portugal, 907-21. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ, 2019.
  • Mondaca, Francisco, Philip Schildkamp, Felix Rau, and Jan Bigalke. “Introducing an Open, Dynamic and Efficient Lexical Data Access for TEI-Encoded Dictionaries on the Internet”. In TEI 2019. What is text, really? TEI and beyond, 2019.
  • Neuefeind, Claes. Pattern and meaning. Meaning constitution as contextual activation in vector space. Cologne: Modern Academic Publishing, 2019.
  • Neuefeind, Claes, Philip Schildkamp, Brigitte Mathiak, Lukas Harzenetter, Uwe Breitenbücher, Johanna Barzen, and Frank Leymann. “Technology use in the context of digital editions – a landscape survey”. In Book of Abstracts of the 6th Annual Conference of the Digital Humanities in German-speaking Countries (DHd 2019), 219-22. Mainz/Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Neuefeind, Claes, Philip Schildkamp, Brigitte Mathiak, Lukas Harzenetter, Aleksander Marčić, Frank Hentschel, Uwe Breitenbücher, Johanna Barzen, and Frank Leymann. “Sustaining the Musical Competitions Database: a TOSCA-based Approach to Application Preservation in the Digital Humanities”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019). Utrecht, Netherlands, 2019.
  • Sahle, Patrick, ed. DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstracts. Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Schaeben, Marcel. “RTI Dome at CCeH: First test run successfully completed (blog post)”, 2019.
  • Schaeben, Marcel, and Randa El-Khatib. “Mapping the Moralized Geography of ‘Paradise Lost’: Prototyping using the example of a geo-critical exploration of Milton’s work”. In DHd 2019. Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstractsedited by Christoph Schöch, 317-19, 2019.
  • Schmidt, Thomas, Jonathan Blumtritt, Hanna Hedeland, Jan Gorisch, Felix Rau, and Kai Wörner. “Quality standards and interdisciplinarity in the curation of audiovisual (language) data”. In DHd 2019. Digital Humanities: multimedia & multimodal. Conference abstracts, 41-44. Frankfurt am Main, 2019.
  • Schubert, Zoe, Øyvind Eide, Enes Türkoğlu, and Jan Wieners. “The intangibility of tangible objects. re-telling artefact stories through spatial multimedia annotations and 3D objects”. In ICOM KYOTO 2019 – Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition. Kyoto, 2019.
  • Seyfeddinipur, Mandana, Felix Ameka, Lissant Bolton, Jonathan Blumtritt, Brian Carpenter, Hilaria Cruz, Sebastian Drude, et al. “Public Access to Research Data in Language Documentation: Challenges and Possible Strategies”. Language Documentation & Conservation 13 (2019): 545-63.
  • Türkoğlu, Enes. “The DHd2019 as a meeting of explorers”. DHd Blog (blog), April 23, 2019.
  • —. “From digitized to contextualized – some thoughts on digital objects”. In DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal, Frankfurt am Main: Conference Abstracts, 232-34, 2019.
  • Türkoglu, Enes, and Nora Porbst. “Magical ‘resuscitation’? On the historical and contemporary reanimation of play figures and masks”. In 100 years of the Cologne Theater Studies Collection. Documents, plans, dream remnantsedited by Peter W. Marx. Berlin: Alexander-Verlag, 2019.

Presentations, talks, etc. by CCeH members 2019

  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, Johan Frid, Jens Larsson, Martin Matthiesen, and Felix Rau. “Challenges and Developments in Preserving and Publishing of Large Audio/Video Data”. In Research Data and Humanities – RDHum 2019. Oulu, 2019.
  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, and Patrick Helling. “Is this still prototyping or already infrastructure? Current reflections on research data management in the humanities”. Held at the colloquium of the Institute for Digital Humanities (IDH), University of Cologne (summer semester 2019) “Digital Humanities – Current Research Topics”, Cologne, May 2, 2019.
  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, and Claes Neuefeind. “Research data or research software? Digital editions as a challenge for research data infrastructures”. Held at the DH-NRW Jour Fixe, Essen, May 8, 2019.
  • Bornus, Pia, Elisabeth Reuhl, and Gwenlyn Tiedemann. “Online resources, semantic indexing and virtual reality: three perspectives on provenance research at the Cologne Musicology Instrument Collection”. Düsseldorf, 2019.
  • Boscani Leoni, Simona, Peter Dängeli, and Christian Forney. “Edition and research platforms on the 18th century. Workshop for the opening of hallerNet”. August 5, 2019.
  • Dängeli, Peter, Martin Stuber, and Christian Forney. “From job commentary to network and back: large source corpora and deeply indexed structural data on hallerNet”. Held at the DHd 2019, Frankfurt and Mainz, 2019.
  • Geißler, Nils. “Visualization in (digital) editions – recapitulation”. Workshop held at the Auffindbarkeit und Referenzierbarkeit von Forschungsdaten (Workshop, June 11-12, 2019, ADWHH), Hamburg, November 6, 2019.
  • Gengnagel, Tessa. “Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text: Modeling Medieval Picture Programs and Modern Motion Pictures”. In Symposium of the Volkswagen Foundation: Positioning the Humanities in the 2020s. Herrenhausen Palace, 2019.
  • Gengnagel, Tessa, Roman Bleier, Franz Fischer, Patrick Sahle, and Andrea Worm. “Text – Graph – Image: Towards a Digital Edition of Peter of Poitiers’ Compendium historiae”. In TEI Conference: What is Text, Really? TEI and Beyond. Graz, 2019.
  • Kölligan, Daniel, Uta Reinöhl, Börge Kiss, Claes Neuefeind, Francisco Mondaca, and Patrick Sahle. “VedaWeb – the Role of Annotations in Analyzing Ancient Indo-Aryan Texts”. Held at the workshop “Historical Corpora and Variation” of the project Sistemi per l’elaborazione e l’annotazione di un corpus di testi sardi antichi, Cagliari, 05.04 2019.
  • Mathiak, Brigitte, and Ralf Depping. “Research data management in the humanities at the University of Cologne”. Leipzig, 2019.
  • Mathiak, Brigitte, Katja Metzmacher, Patrick Helling, and Jonathan Blumtritt. “The Role Of Data Archives In The Humanities At The University Of Cologne”. In DH2019 Book of Abstracts. Utrecht, 2019.
  • Mertgens, Andreas, Nora Probst, and Enes Türkoğlu. “(Re-)Collecting Theatre History: Things of Knowledge, Biographies, Spaces of Impact”. Held at the Digital Humanities Colloquium Cologne, Cologne, April 18, 2019.
  • Mertgens, Andreas, and Patrick Sahle. “The Harold Garfinkel Papers: On Digital Archives and Visual Interfaces”. Held at the SFB 1187 Annual Conference – Data Practices: Recorded, Provoked, Invented, Siegen, October 25, 2019.
  • Mondaca, Francisco. “Más Allá de la Digitalización: el Rol del Acceso a Información Lexicográfica en Internet”. Chile, August 4, 2019.
  • Mondaca, Francisco, and Börge Kiss. “Introducing the VedaWeb APIs”. Presented at the workshop “Texts and APIs: The Distributed Text Services”, July 15, 2019, Hamburg, Hamburg, July 15, 2019.
  • Mondaca, Francisco, Felix Rau, Claes Neuefeind, Börge Kiss, Daniel Kölligan, Uta Reinöhl, and Patrick Sahle. “C-SALT APIs – Connecting and Exposing Heterogeneous Language Resources”. Utrecht, 2019.
  • Neuefeind, Claes, Brigitte Mathiak, and Frank Hentschel. “Reconstructing musical experiences from historical texts”. Presented at the 13th Symposium and Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoC 2019), Hersonissos, June 23, 2019.
  • Rojas Castro, Antonio. “Modeling FRBR entities and their relationships with TEI”. Graz, 2019.
  • Sahle, Patrick, Franz Fischer, and Nils Geißler. “Visualization in (digital) editions”. Workshop held at the Visualization in (digital) editions, Düsseldorf, 21 May 2019.
  • Türkoğlu, Enes. “From digitized to contextualized – some thoughts on digital objects”. Held at the BBAW DH Colloquium, Berlin, March 5, 2019.
  • —. “From digitized to contextualized – some thoughts on digital objects”. Held at Das prometheus-Bildarchiv: Daten^7 – Digitales BilderLeben, Cologne, October 1, 2019.

Picture credits

Unsplash, photo by Bence Balla-Schottner,