project participants
General coordination: Prof. Dr. Andreas Witt (IDS Mannheim) and Prof. Dr. Philipp Wieder (SUB Göttingen). Lead Task Area Editions: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer (University of Cologne). (Co-)applicants: IDS Mannheim, BBAW, DNB, SUB, North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. Partners: https://www.text-plus.org/ueber-uns/beteiligte-institutionen/. CCeH staff: Kilian Hensen, Nils Geißler, Aleksander Marcic.
The NFDI consortium Text+ is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – Project Number 460033370.
Text+ is one of 26 consortia within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and has been funded by the federal government and states since October 2021 for an initial period of five years.
The goal of Text+ is to establish a demand-oriented infrastructure for research data in the field of language and text-based sciences within the NFDI. The focus is on ensuring the sustainable preservation and provision of research data related to cultural heritage. The consortium concentrates on three data domains: Collections, Lexical Resources, and Editions. With this approach, the consortium addresses the needs of various humanities disciplines, including linguistics, literary studies, philosophy, classical philology, anthropology, non-European cultures and languages, as well as language- and text-based research in social, economic, political, and historical sciences.
In the context of its longstanding collaboration as the Coordination Center for Digital Humanities at the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (NRW AWK), the CCeH coordinates the data domain Editions. As leader of a data domain, the academy serves as a co-applicant institution in the consortium, whereas the University of Cologne, with the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH), is also involved as a participant. The overall project is coordinated by the Leibniz Institute für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim (IDS), with the participation of four co-applicant institutions: the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW), the German National Library in Frankfurt/Leipzig (DNB), the Lower Saxony State and University Library in Göttingen (SUB), and the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.
The University of Cologne forms a central university node within the NFDI, participating in twelve out of the total 26 consortia. In addition to their focus on Text+, CCeH and DCH are directly involved in all five humanities-oriented NFDI consortia (Text+, 4Culture, 4Memory, and 4Objects). As part of a faculty-wide NFDI Lokalforum, DCH and CCeH provide opportunities for networking, exchange and direct access to NFDI to all colleagues and institutions of the faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Contact us
Spokesperson: Andreas Speer
Coordinator: Kilian Hensen
Please feel free to use the Text+ Helpdesk.