Publications & presentations: CCeHarvest 2020

The 2020 harvest has been harvested!

“When the ice and snow clear in January, there is plenty of grain and clover for the harvest.”

Publications by CCeH members 2020

  • Blumtritt, Jonathan, Patrick Helling, Brigitte Mathiak, Claes Neuefeind, Felix Rau, Philip Schildkamp, and Jan Wieners. “Humanities research data management in teaching – concepts, methods, experiences”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020, 318-21. Paderborn, 2020.
  • Busch, Hannah, Tessa Gengnagel, and Daniela Schulz. “Early Stage Digital Medievalist Subcommittee. Networking, delimiting, creating scope”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020edited by Christoph Schöch, 313-14, 2020.
  • Cugliana, Elisa. “Exploring a German version of Marco Polo’s Devisement dou Monde”. Ecdotica 16 (2020): 9-32.
  • Dängeli, Peter, Thomas Roesler, Dieter Hagedorn, and Klaus Maresch. “cceh/papyri-wl-data: v24; 24th version from 30.09.2020”. Zenodo, September 30, 2020.
  • Dängeli, Peter, and Martin Stuber. “Sustainability in long-term development projects”. 11 (November 2, 2020): 34–51. htt ps://
  • Dierkes, Jens, and Patrick Helling. “Research data management as a joint challenge using the example of C3RDM and DCH at the University of Cologne”. Building blocks for research data management. Recommendations and experience reports for the practice of research data managers 1 (2020): 77-85.
  • Drach, Sviatoslav. “StreamReaderSD 0.2 – A prototype web application for reading texts as a stream of characters”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020. Paderborn, 2020.
  • Drach, Sviatoslav, Jan Bigalke, Claes Neuefeind, and Peter Dängeli. “Minor and Fragmentary Historians of Late Antiquity,” February 4, 2020.
  • El-Khatib, Randa, and Marcel Schaeben. “Why Map Literature? Geospatial Prototyping for Literary Studies and Digital Humanities”. Digital Studies/Le Champ Numérique 10, no. 1 (2020).
  • Eschweiler, Mark, Anna-Maria Evers, Dominik Kruhl, Elisabeth Reuhl, and Enes Türkoğlu. “Don’t panic! Manifesto for software development in student projects”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020edited by Christoph Schöch, 327-28, 2020.
  • Geißler, Nils. “The Frazier hook that sent Ali to the floor in 1971 now has a URI: On modeling, transcribing, and visualizing performative cultural objects.” In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020edited by Christoph Schöch, 301-3, 2020.
  • Geißler, Nils, and Daniela Schulz. “Building a Collaborative Editorial Workbench for Legal Texts with Complex Structures”. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, no. 11 (2020).
  • Harzenetter, Lukas, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, Brigitte Mathiak, Philip Schildkamp, Claes Neuefeind, and Uwe Breitenbücher. “Analysis and Categorization of Research Software in the Digital Humanities”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020) 20.-25.07.2020. Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
  • Helling, Patrick. “From The Very Beginning To VP15 – An Experience Report”. Https:// RDA Blog (blog), June 29, 2020.
  • —. “Modeling Consultation Workflows for Research Data Management in the Humanities”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020) 20.-25.07.2020. Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
  • —. “RDMeasurement – Development of a quality assurance model for Research Data Management (RDM) in the Humanities”. Melbourne, Australia, 2020. %E2%
  • Helling, Patrick, Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert, and Julian Schulz. “How can data literacy be expanded in the short term and ensured in the long term? Approaches from practice and considerations for the future. Follow-up report on session 3.2 of the Barcamp on teaching data literacy in the humanities at DHd 2020 in Paderborn”. DHd blog (blog), May 8, 2020.
  • Mertgens, Andreas. “Ediarum. A Toolbox for Editors and Developers”. Edited by Anna-Maria Sichani and Elena Spadini, 2020.
  • Mertgens, Andreas, Enes Türkoğlu, and Nora Probst. “(Re-)Collecting Theatre History: Things of Knowledge, Biographies, Spaces of Impact”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020edited by Christoph Schöch, 187-90, 2020.
  • Mondaca, Francisco, and Felix Rau. “Transforming the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries into OntoLex-Lemon”. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020), 11-14, 2020.
  • Neuefeind, Claes, Brigitte Mathiak, Philip Schildkamp, Unmil Karadkar, Johannes Stigler, Elisabeth Steiner, Gunter Vasold, et al. “Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020) 20.-25.07.2020. Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
  • Palladino, Chiara, Farimah Karimi, and Brigitte Mathiak. “NER on Ancient Greek texts with minimal annotation”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020) 20.-25.07.2020. Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
  • Sagaster, Klaus, Elisabeth Chiodo, Patrick Sahle, Franz Fischer, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Agnes Thomas, Jonathan Blumtritt, Adalbert Wrona, Thomas Roesler, and Jan Bigalke. “Oral Tales of Mongol Bards”. Oral Tales of Mongol Bards, 2020.
  • Sahle, Patrick, and Jonathan Blumtritt. “Research data management as a puzzle. Institutional tasks and roles in supplying the humanities and cultural sciences”. The Archivist 73, no. 1 (2020): 19-24.
  • Schildkamp, Philip, Lukas Harzenetter, Frank Leymann, Brigitte Mathiak, Claes Neuefeind, Uwe Breitenbücher, and Anna Fischer. “Workshop on Modeling and Maintaining Research Applications in TOSCA”. In Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020) 20.-25.07.2020. Ottawa, Canada, 2020.
  • Schildkamp, Philip, Claes Neuefeind, Brigitte Mathiak, Lukas Harzenetter, Uwe Breitenbücher, and Frank Leymann. “Modeling and management of DH applications in TOSCA (Workshop)”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020, 36-38. Paderborn, 2020.
  • Schubert, Zoe, Enes Türkoğlu, Kai Niebes, Øyvind Eide, and Jan Wieners. “Showtime – see and be seen! Creating semantic (play) spaces for collaborative work with multimedia annotations in the multidimensional”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020, 46-48. Paderborn, 2020.
  • Wuttke, Ulrike, and Patrick Helling. “Barcamp Data Literacy: Teaching Data Literacy in the Digital Humanities: Findings from the Workshop of the AG Data Centers during the DHd 2020 at the University of Paderborn”. Building Blocks of Research Data Management, Recommendations and Field Reports for the Practice of Research Data Managers 2 (November 9, 2020): 49–55. htt ps://
  • —. “How do we arouse general interest in DH issues among students? How can researchers be inspired for RDM? Follow-up report on session 4.2 of the Barcamp Teaching Data Literacy in the Humanities at DHd 2020 in Paderborn”. DHd blog (blog), May 12, 2020.
  • Wuttke, Ulrike, Marina Lemaire, Stefan Schulte, Patrick Helling, Jonathan Blumtritt, and Stefan Schmunk. “Barcamp Data Literacy: Teaching data skills in the digital humanities”. In DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities between modeling and interpretation. Conference Abstracts. Paderborn. 02.03.-06.03.2020, 18-21. Paderborn, 2020.

Presentations, lectures, etc. by CCeH members 2020

  • Cugliana, Elisa. “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something digital: the edition of the FNHD translation of Marco Polo’s travelogue”. Held at the Digital Humanities Colloquium, Cologne, May 7, 2020.
  • —. “Microtranscription as a prerequisite for multidimensional editing”. Held at Die (hyper-)diplomatische Transkription und ihre Erkenntnispotentiale, Wuppertal, July 6, 2020.
  • —. “Normalization levels as automatically generated ‘disposable’ outputs. The case of the early New High German Marco Polo”. Held at the Humboldt Kolleg, Venice, January 29, 2020.
  • —. “Translating Marco Polo’s Travel Narrative in the German Middle Ages: Prognostication, Astrology and Marvelous Tales in the DI Version”. Presented at the Marco Polo in the Spotlight: Perception and Reception International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (ICRH), Nuremberg, February 17, 2020.
  • Cugliana, Elisa, and Marcel Schaeben. “Mapping toponymic variance”. Held at the Historical Ontology of Urban Spaces, Münster, March 9, 2020.
  • Geißler, Nils. “The Fight of the Century – in color and colorful”. Held at the Information Visualization (in the Humanities), Wuppertal, Germany, 19 May 2020.
  • Gengnagel, Tessa, Hannah Busch, Nathan Daniels, James Harr, Aylin Malcolm, Caitlin Postal, and Daniela Schulz. Special Episode: Introduction. Podcast. Coding Codices, 2020.
  • Helling, Patrick. “The archiving workflow at the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH)”. Held at the seminar “Research Data Management”, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (virtual), Potsdam, June 25, 2020.
  • —. “The service catalog of the data centers working group. How can interoperability between existing services be achieved?” Held at the workshop of the DHd-AG Data Centers “Interoperability” (23.-24.01.2020), Frankfurt am Main, January 23, 2020.
  • Helling, Patrick, and Monika Linne. “GO UNI kick-off meeting (virtual)”. Held at the GO UNI Kick-Off Meeting (virtual), October 8, 2020.
  • Helling, Patrick, and Felix Rau. “The Importance of Demand and Environment for Defining Data Stewardship”. In CODATA/GOFISCO International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020, 2020.
  • Hermes, Jürgen, Nils Reiter, Claes Neuefeind, and Felix Rau. “Deep Learning for Language Analysis (Virtual Summer School)”. Cologne, August 31, 2020.
  • Kraker, Peter, Brigitte Mathiak, Nick Juty, Francesca Di Donato, Antica Culina, and Alessa Bardi. “Designing a FAIR Data Discovery Ecosystem”, 2020.
  • Mathiak, Brigitte. “Data Seeking Behavior in the Social Sciences – An observation study”. Held at the workshop “What information about data do users desire for discovery?” of the Data Discovery Paradigms IG as part of the RDA 16th Plenary Meeting (VP16) “Knowledge Ecology”, virtual (planned: Costa Rica), 12.11 2020.
  • Sahle, Patrick, Andreas Mertgens, and Enes Türkoğlu. “A Wayfinding Journey: Paths through the Estate of Harold Garfinkel”. Held at the IZWT Colloquium, Wuppertal, November 25, 2020.

Picture credits

Unsplash, photo by Taylor Siebert,