Research associate, coordination NFDI/Text+. Focus: DH & philosophy, project initiation, science communication & science policy.
Kilian Hensen (né Thoben) has been working as a research associate at the CCeH since November 2021. During his studies of Philosophy, Japanese and English Studies (M.A. 06/2014), he was able to gain his first experiences with DH & (digital) scholarly editing (X-technologies) as a student assistant in several projects at the Thomas Institute of the University of Cologne (D.A.R.E., Schedula project). After graduating, he worked from 2014–2021 as a research associate and research facilitator in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cologne. He then coordinated the project launch phase of the “Wissenschaftsforum zu Köln und Essen“, a science communication joint-venture of the Universities of Cologne and Duisburg-Essen before taking up the position as coordinator of the data domain “Editions” in the consortium Text+ of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) at the CCeH in November 2021.