Academic staff. Research software engineering, data modeling, technical infrastructure, project and proposal development.
Marcel Schaeben studied philosophy and psychology of learning and knowledge / education science (2-subject BA) at RWTH Aachen University and worked there as a student assistant at the Interdisciplinary Forums of RWTH Aachen University (print and web editing) and at the Institute for Historic Building Preservation and Research (web development). He then went on to study European Multimedia Arts and Cultural Heritage Studies (EuroMACHS) and Information Processing (MA) at the University of Cologne and the Universidade de Coimbra. For his Master’s thesis “Software prototyping as a research method in digital philology: Exploring Marco Polo’s textual transmission and reception through map-based visualizations of toponymic variance”, he received the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in 2021.
Since 2014, he has been responsible at the CCeH in particular for the projects supervised as part of the cooperation with AWK-NRW and also coordinates the center’s technical infrastructure.
Schaeben, Marcel, and Gioele Barabucci. 2021. ‘Small-Step Pipelines Reduce the Complexity of XSLT/XPath Programs’. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 1–4.
El Khatib, Randa, and Marcel Schaeben. 2020. ‘Why Map Literature? Geospatial Prototyping for Literary Studies and Digital Humanities’. Digital Studies/Le Champ Numérique 10 (1). https://doi.org/10.16995/dscn.381.
Schaeben, Marcel. 2019. ‘RTI-Dome Am CCeH: Erster Testlauf Erfolgreich Absolviert (Blogpost)’. 2019. https://cceh.uni-koeln.de/legacy/2019/04/26/rti-dome-am-cceh-erster-testlauf-erfolgreich-absolviert/.
Schaeben, Marcel, and Randa El Khatib. 2019. ‘Mapping the Moralized Geography of “Paradise Lost”: Prototyping Using the Example of a Geo-Critical Exploration of Milton’s Work’. In DHd 2019 – Digital Humanities: Multimedial & Multimodal. Conference abstracts, 317–19. Frankfurt am Main. https://zenodo.org/record/2596095/files/2019_DHd_BookOfAbstracts_web.pdf.
Schaeben, Marcel, and Randa El Khatib. 2018. ‘Exploring the Literary Geography of Paradise Lost’. In Spacial Humanities 2018, 26. Lancaster. http://wp.lancs.ac.uk/dighum/files/2018/09/SH2018_Abstracts.pdf.
Henny, Ulrike, Jonathan Blumtritt, Marcel Schaeben, and Patrick Sahle. 2017. ‘The Life Cycle of the Book of the Dead as a Digital Humanities Resource’. Digital Classics Online, no. 3.2: 60–79. https://doi.org/10.11588/dco.2017.0.35896.
Beltman, Susan, and Marcel Schaeben. 2012. ‘Institution-Wide Peer Mentoring: Benefits for Mentors’. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education 3 (2): 33–44.