Semantic MediaWiki (SFB 1167)

From 2016 to 2021, the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1167 set itself the task of investigating pre-modern political and social forms of organization of power and rule in Asia, Europe and northern Africa from a transcultural perspective.


[SFB 1167:]



project participants

SFB 1167 “Macht und Herrschaft – Vormoderne Konfigurationen in transkultureller Perspektive” (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn), CCeH. SFB spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher (University of Bonn). SFB Secretariat: Dr. Katharina Gahbler (University of Bonn), Mike Janßen (University of Bonn). CCeH: Gwenlyn Tiedemann.


Funded by the DFG.


From 2016 to 2021, the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1167 set itself the task of investigating pre-modern political and social forms of organization of power and rule in Asia, Europe and northern Africa from a transcultural perspective. Power and domination have characterized human coexistence throughout the ages. In order to better understand the processes subsumed under the keyword ‘globalization’ today, the focus is directed towards the deep social structures of non-European and European cultural areas. The aim of the CRC 1167 is to arrive at a comprehensive phenomenology of pre-modern power and rule by examining a wide range of material, pictorial and linguistic evidence.

In the SFB 1167, the phenomena of power and domination were approached mainly via textually transmitted corpora. In the individual sub-projects, for example, source terms are analyzed and evaluated in the context of their transmission. In order to provide the sub-projects with a working tool for the systematic recording and evaluation of their research data, the cooperation project with the CCeH was initiated in 2018-2021 to create a digital research environment that, in addition to recording the data generated by the projects, enables a consolidation of results and a transcultural comparison of the forms of appearance and manifestation of power and domination across the CRC. The open source software MediaWiki with its extension Semantic MediaWiki is used for this purpose. The uniform structuring of the data in the wiki promotes synergies between the sub-projects.

Picture credits

Image by Luis Muzquiz on Unsplash.