“Combining Media Science and Computer Science”, Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Frank Leymann / Johanna Barzen, 21. März 2016

Prof. Dr. Frank Leymann & Johanna Barzen M.A.

“Combining Media Science and Computer Science: What can we learn from each other?”

21. März 2016, 16:00 Uhr, Besprechungsraum des CCeH, Universitätsstraße 22, Dachgeschoß rechts.

When taking a closer look at natural sciences and engineering the use of concepts, methods and technologies of computer science is in an advanced stage. In comparison, the use of techniques and methods of computer science in the humanities is still rather marginal. This is what the Digital Humanities wants to change. In this talk we provide a brief overview on the paradigm of eScience and the scientific method. Influenced by this, we outline our method to derive costume languages in movies based on the concepts of formal languages, ontologies and pattern languages. These concepts are used quite frequently in computer science but haven’t been seriously applied to answer questions from the media science. By generalizing the approach for costumes to other domains in the humanities, we want to outline how these ideas can be of advantage for the humanities.