Lecture: “The Web stack in 2016: From the original static web sites to the current bleeding-edge web technologies”

How has the Web changed since its inception? In which direction(s) is it evolving at the moment? In the talk “The Web stack in 2016: From the original static web sites to the current bleeding-edge web technologies” Dr. Gioele Barabucci (CCeH) will discuss how the Web has progressed since its early days at CERN.

When and where

The talk will be held on May 10th 2016, 14:00-16:00 in the Seminar room of the CCeH (Universitätsstraße 22).


The talk will touch many technical details but also more general aspects of the development of the web. It will show how the Web worked originally (a simple server sending static files and a simple browser visualizing static HTML pages) and how it works now (with layers of middleware, with a lot of computation being moved into the clients via JS or NaCL, with clients being small devices with 10cm screens and with pages generated on the fly via PHP or XQuery). How did we get here? How will things evolve from this point? Does the development of the Web conflicts with the will to preserve all the data and the knowledge that flows through it?