“Around DH in 80 days” completed

The journey “Around DH in 80 days” has been finished.

Around DH in 80 Days is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary Digital Humanities collaboration that seeks to introduce new and veteran audiences to the global field of DH scholarly practice by bringing together current DH projects from around the world.

Upon the initial live launch of Around DH, a different DH project from around the globe was featured on the site each day for 80 days, offering audiences a unique opportunity to meaningfully engage the international, interdisciplinary, multimodal work being done by the digital humanities community, broadly conceived.

On Day 5, CCeH project “Book of the Dead”/”Totenbuch” has been featured.

Around DH in 80 days: http://www.arounddh.org/
Day 5 (“Book of the Dead”/”Totenbuch”): http://www.arounddh.org/jekyll/update/2014/06/26/day5/